Congo (Battle For Virunga)

National Geographic Channels Explorer Series with Correspondent Justin Hall

Virunga is in a place others have called the heart of darkness. A Jurassic landscape of dense jungles and active volcanoes… The National Park is home to innumerable species but most importantly it’s home to the last of our world’s mountain gorillas … Sadly, it’s also home to 30 or so armed militia groups who fight for control of the area’s gold, timber and diamonds.

Essentially, It’s a war zone where gorillas and those that defend them are literally in the crosshairs…

Here are a few DIgital Extras / behind the scenes footage:

Battle for Virunga:  Digital Extras

Q&A Nat Geo Justin talks about his assignment: Plus lots more videos & images…

Close Encounter1: Meeting the Gorillas

Ak’s & AlcoholL Meeting The Mia Mia Child Warriors

Five Things To Know About Virunga:

National Geographic Studios:  Beamed into the homes and television sets of over 400 million households around the globe and delivering its message in 75 languages… now that’s what I call a powerful platform worth being involved in…

If you want to know more or get involved here are a few links highlighting the key organisations involved in the defence of the gorillas and how you might support the families of the fallen.

Virunga Alliance

Donate to Fallen Rangers Fund