Mercenaries with Justin Hall

Discovery Channel Selects Justin Hall for major new series:

2012 A Year to Remember…

What with RED BULL’s  ‘SNOW LEOPARD PROJECT‘ in the mountains of Tajikistan & Afghanistan, a mission to Saudi Arabia,  the Jungles of Borneo and Malaysia and a few missions on superyachts cruising the Med!  It’s fair to say 2012 had already been a spectacular year! But as it drew to a close… This new six-part series full of adventure landed on my desk…

The clip above is a sneak peek from the rushes… read on for more details…

Copyright Eye Line Entertainment Ltd 2013

Riding with Rebels, Somalian Pirates & A Rusting Russian Jet Fighter…All in a days work!

Russia, Libya, Djibouti and the Somalian coastline so far, with a few more adventures ahead in the coming weeks…

With a narrative spanning the globe, my task across these last 3 months has been to find the guys on the ground whilst navigating seriously tricky arenas with a smile. Sounds macho right…! That’s simply not my nature… and that’s exactly why Discovery asked me to investigate these stories…

Produced For Discovery Channel by Eyeline Entertainment Ltd (Exec Producer Duncan Napier-Bell)

It’s a two-man crew set up, so just me and a cameraman (The legend that is Phil Coates), It’s run & gun, balls-to-the-wall, film making… just the way I like it. Armed with covert cams, XF100/300 and 5Dmk3, we’ve been given limited time, few permits and had to make contacts on the ground at high speed.  It’s all part of the plan and tension of the series.

A Serious Undertaking

I just got back from Djibouti last week where I was trying to track down pirates and the new breed of Maritime Mercenaries.   To give you an idea of the pressure, our fixer got kidnapped, blindfolded and interrogated for a few hours…. it was a close call,  a heart-pounding, wild west frontier challenge that should make for some great TV. More than anything the experience has reminded me that I’m never more alive than when doing this kind of stuff…

Just a quick note on the seemingly out of character picture above of me brandishing an AK47!

Carrying guns and dodging bullets has never been my thing… nor will it ever be… I’m not military or combative in any way, however sometimes the random and chaotic forces that surround you, the very real threats and dangers that exist in some parts of the world, call for extreme measures… it was a learning curve.

life’s adventure…   long may it continue…