Tribes 2.0 (Series Pitch)

Tirio Tribe Suriname music Justin Hall Nat Geo Explorer Runningman

Tribes 2.0 ‘Then and Now’

Developed by Justin Hall

This unique series travels back in time as it revisits 12 of the world’s last remaining tribal and hunter-gathering groups. Utilising high tech expedition and mapping technologies as never before, the series is underpinned by a bank of unique tribal footage drawn from over 40 years of expeditions and 25 films made by renowned ethnographer and explorer Jean Pierre Dutilleux. The series presents a unique ‘then and now’, tribal perspective on the world today. Offering an up-to-the-minute youthful perspective, Dutilleux is joined by high tech tribal explorer and natural history filmmaker Justin Hall. Complementing each other’s skills (traditional and modern) and inspiring the audience along the way (with collaborative online systems), the team introduce a wholly updated approach to this captivating genre.

Here’s the detailed breakdown of the series characters locations et al. Continue reading “Tribes 2.0 (Series Pitch)”

Royal Geographic Society (Ondaatje lecture)

justin Hall Explorer Speaks at RGS Runningman

For 35 years the Explorer weekend at the Royal Geographical Society has been an incubator and supporter of exploration.

I’ve been a Fellow of the Society for almost 20 years now and often been invited to contribute or speak on the expedition advisory panel.

Wonderfully, I was nominated for my earlier works with Amazonian tribes. Simply put, the RGS is an extraordinary organization that for the last 180 years has been a driving force of global exploration, nurturing intrepid spirit by supporting those brave, bold or foolish enough to risk their lives and push the boundaries in an effort to communicate a better understanding of the world around us. To be recognized as a part of this endeavour is, without doubt, my proudest achievement.

Across the year’s thousands of expeditions undertaken by young and Intrepid have taken shape, found support, and set off from what has often been described as the epicentre of global exploration… the Royal Geographical Society… Continue reading “Royal Geographic Society (Ondaatje lecture)”


justin hall Explorer interactive journeys

Interactive & Collaborative Expedition Film Making:

It’s fair to say that there’s been a few adventures along the way. Runningman was the start and a beautiful proof of concept but there are many more; From Tribal encounters in the Amazon through to tracking down cocaine barons in Bolivia with the DEA. From secret forays in Saudi Arabia, Sea Gypsies in… Continue reading “EXPEDITION FILM MAKING: ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES”

Project Elsewhere: Current (Bali)

Justin HAll Explorer Elsewhere Project

As an Explorer and Correspondent working for Nat Geo, my focus has always been nature and the environment.

Drawing on the past and looking to the future I have embarked on my biggest life project to date…. Having secured a  large swath of exquisite jungle nestled at the base of a volcano,  I have set about trying to transform it into a mini nature reserve…and home. 

 It’s a beautiful heartfelt project with lots of community-focused ideas. Although we are not filming this commercially it is nevertheless a ‘back to the wild’ style adventure that may be of interest to some channels!  Have a look at the site that accompanies this project… website. 

Although now based between Bali & London I am always open to ideas and new projects so please feel free get in contact. 


Bear Necessity (IAR) Armenia

justin hall Bear Rescue IAR Armenia

Saving Bears in the backstreets, cities, mountains and wilds of Armenia (International Animal Rescue Effort)

One of the lucky Ones!Kept in various forms of captivity, often caged, chained, beaten and starved, Armenia’s bears aren’t much loved.  Once wild and born of this mountainous region bears hold a strange place in Armenian culture. Often viewed as sideshows in circus’s, kept as exotic pets, housed as novelties in gas stations or tormented in themed restaurants.

A key moment came as we freed two bedraggled, hairy honey-seeking fellows who had spent the last ten years in a flooded cage, dancing for their dinner at a riverside restaurant called ‘The Bears’!

Alan Knight OBE IAR BEar Rescue Armenia
Cutting Loose

What struck me as astounding and unthinkable was that still some peoples idea of fun is flinging chicken wings at these majestic beasts! It felt right to get them out of there and I am proud to have been involved”

Alan Knight IAR Saving BearsAlan Knight OBE, the founder of IAR, has an admirable legacy in defending species. He initiated and championed a ban on bear batting/dancing bears in India. Because of his efforts, thousands where saved, leading to India’s bears being protected by law.

Now he’s focused on doing the same in Armenia.

80 bears being held captive in Armenia video


As the name suggests International Animal Rescue is a Thunderbird like organization; Active around the global, they rally their forces to act, where action is needed.

Working under the radar as well as in collaboration with local governments, military and police agencies INTERNATIONAL ANIMAL RESCUE have set themselves the challenge of liberating Armenia’s bears.

You can folow the story and take an active role in helping here:

Slow Loris Rescue & Rehab: Java

justin Hall Explorer Runningman Slow Loris IAR rescue

An Endangered Species of Nocturnal primate feels the pressure of Internet Fame:

Another Promo designed to Inspire Nat Geo WIld to focus on the work of my friends at International Animal Rescue.

Feel inspired to’s how

Info From Site:

The slow loris in Indonesia is in serious danger of extinction and the greatest threat to its survival is the illegal trade in wildlife.

Its huge brown eyes and soft fur make this small nocturnal primate highly prized as a pet and the victim of an online craze created by videos on YouTube. Thousands of slow lorises are poached from the wild and illegally sold on the street or in animal markets. The slow lorises’ teeth are clipped off by the traders to make them easier to handle, resulting in the death of many of them from blood loss or infection before they are sold.

Working closely with universities and scientists, we are also carrying out research into successful rehabilitation and reintroduction programmes for slow lorises. A good number of lorises with their teeth intact have been released wearing radio collars and are being closely monitored by the team.

We also work closely with local authorities and the police to catch wildlife traffickers and dealers and bring them to court. Education of local communities and better law enforcement are vital if this endangered primate is to stand a chance of survival.

Orangutan Rescue: NAT GEO BORNEO

Orangutan Baby with Teddy Bear Explorer Justin Hall National Geographic Explorer, Runningman

A National Geographic Assignment in Support of International Animal Rescue:

A Yellow Square Hangs on My Wall!

I just returned from my first filming assignment for NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC! A solo mission, producing, directing and shooting in the wilds of Northern Sumatra and Indonesian Borneo; Filming Orang-utans, and the hero’s working to save them and their habitat… here’s the resulting promo…

Like most adventurous filmmaker types, its always been a dream to someday be a National Geographic kind-a-guy. Of all brands, it’s one of very few I’d proudly sign up to… Full Film / Production Still & Rushes below: Continue reading “Orangutan Rescue: NAT GEO BORNEO”

Mercenaries with Justin Hall

Explorer JUSTIN HALL National Geographic Explorer Runningman mission control 2

Discovery Channel Selects Justin Hall for major new series:

2012 A Year to Remember…

What with RED BULL’s  ‘SNOW LEOPARD PROJECT‘ in the mountains of Tajikistan & Afghanistan, a mission to Saudi Arabia,  the Jungles of Borneo and Malaysia and a few missions on superyachts cruising the Med!  It’s fair to say 2012 had already been a spectacular year! But as it drew to a close… This new six-part series full of adventure landed on my desk…

The clip above is a sneak peek from the rushes… read on for more details… Continue reading “Mercenaries with Justin Hall”


justin Hall NAt Geo Explorer


My latest foray into the wilderness was sponsored by the wonderful folk at Microsoft and GETAC rugged computers. The Challenge… Beat the living daylights out of GETAC’s latest hard as nails rugged field computer (V200) … whilst pushing the OS the breaking point… Check out the report we produced for them this time around… Amazing kit and other adventures with it below… Continue reading “MICROSOFT & GETAC V200 JUNGLE TEST”


Produced, Shot & Edited: Justin Hall: A little project for Bezier and Warner Brothers.

Few years back now: Thought id approach what could have been a really dry corporate video from a slightly different perspective. In truth it was a test for my new camera edit skills. Fun to make.