Web Based Expeditions, Adventure Film Making & Coded Production

Justin Hall Nat Geo Explorer Runningman Tech

Background: Back In 2000, I led a team through the Amazon jungle and ancestral territories of seven tribal groups, pioneering one of the first interactive (coded) online expeditions.

Communicating Discovery

Entitled RUNNINGMAN and made for the Discovery Channel the objectives where simple but inspiring: Explore the forces affecting remote tribal and indigenous peoples of the Amazon, Continue reading “Web Based Expeditions, Adventure Film Making & Coded Production”


Justin Hall Nat Geo Explorer Runningman Cocaine Bolivia

Machine-guns, helicopters, jungle raids and the ‘sacred leaf’…An explosive episode where Runningman delves deep into the controversial issues surrounding traditional coca use and the dangerous world of cocaine production.

Continue reading “Cocaine”

Sacred Lake of Tanupa

runningman Justin HAll series 2 promo Bolivia NAked cowboy

justin Hall Runningman Explorer

Travelling to one of Bolivia’s most spectacular natural wonders, the ancient lake of Tanupa… Runningman discovers how small communities scrape a living from the worlds largest salt flats.

The Mine (Silver)

justin hall explorer Runningman Silver Mines Potosi Explosion dynamite

The Mines of Potosi

Dynamite, death and child labour… Descending into the depths of a mountain mine that has killed some 8 million people, Runningman experiences first hand the hardship facing the people of South Americas poorest cityJustin HAll Explorer Runningman

Runningman (Tribal Journeys) S2

Discovery Channel Commissions Runningman Second Global Series 6*30

Charting an extraordinary journey through the tribal territories of Bolivia & Colombia: Including dramatic DEA helicopter raids on jungle cocaine laboratories, descending into a silver mine with a kid armed with dynamite, honey hunting with tribal warriors…. and the first-ever navigation/decent of the wild Tapahoni River.

Series Breakdown… Continue reading “Runningman (Tribal Journeys) S2”

Old Ways New Trails

Justin Hall Explorer Runningman

The Kwinti Tribe: Descendants of African slaves take steps to develop eco-tourism in one of the world largest jungle reserves.

Hacking through virgin rainforest RM joins the tribe as they open up a new trail. Travelling to the Marratakka region RM reviews illegal logging activities and the impact of trading in wildlife. In other scenes: RM Strapped to the wing of a bi-plane and crashing our boat in the jungle….Extreme River Journey

Continue reading “Old Ways New Trails”

Russia: Jet Fighter (Merc)

Explorer Justin Hall Runningman Jet Fighter

Moscow:  In search of one of the FBI’s most wanted arms dealers, who would have thought I’d end up 10.000ft in the air doing barrel rolls in a rusting Russian Jetfighter!

Lots involved in this production but here’s a ‘highlight’

Sneaking onto an Ex-Soviet Airbase I hitch a ride in a rusty Russian Jet Flighter by pretending to be a plane spotter!!! Yep, it’s definitely one of the… Continue reading “Russia: Jet Fighter (Merc)”

Libya: After the Fall (Mercs)

Explorer Justin Hall National Geographic Explorer, Runningman Riding with rebels Libya

Meeting with Rebels, Freedom Fighters and Guns for Hire:  An assignment through war-torn Libya and the remnants of Tripoli


Investigating the mercenary forces that took part in Muammar Gaddafi’s last stand. Securing a rare interview with the countries interim President I learn of the little publicised reality of this region suffering.

Heres’s a gallery with rough-cut Rushes sequence: Continue reading “Libya: After the Fall (Mercs)”