Web Based Expeditions, Adventure Film Making & Coded Production

Justin Hall Nat Geo Explorer Runningman Tech

Background: Back In 2000, I led a team through the Amazon jungle and ancestral territories of seven tribal groups, pioneering one of the first interactive (coded) online expeditions.

Communicating Discovery

Entitled RUNNINGMAN and made for the Discovery Channel the objectives where simple but inspiring: Explore the forces affecting remote tribal and indigenous peoples of the Amazon, Continue reading “Web Based Expeditions, Adventure Film Making & Coded Production”




Exploring the potential of 3D arenas back in 2005, I created a number of prototype digital arenas designed specifically to host and communicate expedition findings in an exciting and novel way. Working with 3DNA’s Peter Pritchard and modifying emerging technologies to suit, I developed an extraordinary virtual world around the concept of cause-based ‘coded’ expeditions. Designed to Engage, Inform & Inspire the platforms linked to mobile networks, empowering users to take action on issues and support causes revealed through the journeys.

This concept has evolved dramatically since its inception back in 2005, Have a look at some of the deeper details in the links or for more information just give us a call.

The systems have enormous, as yet, unrealised potential. Have a look at the simple walkthrough video below. Please excuse the quality it was encoded 16 years ago… so understandably its low res.

If you are interested in these concepts and frameworks or are looking to create engaging collaborative adventure programing with educational values… give me a call... this is just the stuff from way back.