Our latest Body Shops project created for its Community Fair Trade department:

A brief insight into the amazing collaboration that exists between the communities of Northern Ghana and the Body Shop.

Its all about empowering women through trade… at the very least a positive indication of the ethos that is Anita’s legacy.

THE BRIEF: Encapsulate the story of Shea production and the positive impact it has on the communities of the Northern regions of Ghana.


Unfortunately there wasn’t the budget or time for trip to Ghana;  Armed with some handy cam footage filmed by one of the body Shop  team on a recent trip,  we set to work trawling through 7 hours of footage…. Ultimately we decided to set  the piece around two simple interviews revealing the essence of the project: Madame Fati Paul:  the chairwomen of the Ghanaian organization supplied the heart felt path that we would cut to. Peter Stedman (Senior Community Trade Buyer for TBS) seriously knew his stuff and encouragingly showed a genuine emotional investment in what we does… great to see.  Creative director on the project Duncan Wilson

In summary: This project was exactly in the vein of work that we love: heart felt and out there… Lets hope its of sufficient value to nudge  TBS execs  into allocating money for more projects like this. After all they have hundreds of  positive stories to tell…. and we can help tell them









THE CLIENTS REACTION: Head of TBS Community Trade comments:

This is the best community trade film we have ever had made… great work

Now that’s the sort of feedback we like



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