EMMY Nomination

Chest Slightly Puffed 

Astounding news my friends, the Orangutan film I produced and shot for Nat Geo last year has just been nominated for an Emmy Award!..’ Best Producer/ Best Cinematography…

Orangutan Rescue

NO, sadly not… It’s actually nominated for’ Outstanding Narration!’ Sort of steals the thunder a bit I know but hey, I reason that if storytelling is about finding a voice, getting the tone right and conveying a powerful message, then seems we must have achieved that somehow in a way that distinguished our film from the barrage of content that makes up prime-time.

Truth be known, although rare pride wells in me as I consider the new top line of my CV…

the real win here is that I made good on a promise to help tell an important story and in doing so likely drew attention to the incredible work of Alan Knight (OBE) International Animal Rescue and the magnificent Karmele lano Sanchez and Ketapang team… onward and upward, dreams and never-ending small steps in the right direction

Here’s the promo: the result of a solo trip to Borneo

If for any reason you see this and want to help;