Laos (Mirror Man)

Sixty years on: Hiding in the ground, waiting to blow the limbs of any who find them, there is an estimate 80 million UXB (unexploded bombs) covering the landscape of Laos…

Exploring the deadly legacy of a secret US bombing campaign in the region,  I learn of one extraordinary man’s quest to heal the pain of those still suffering: full story…

Live Studio: Washington

Laos has the unenviable title of being the most bombed country in history (per capita). From 1964 to 1973 the US carpet-bombed this region, unleashing an unfathomable 2 million tons of bombs.  That’s the equivalent of a planeload of bombs, every 8 minutes, 24 hours a day, for 9 years!

Outstanding Character: Steve Sumner

Of the 270 million cluster bombs dropped in the ’60s an estimated 80 million of these deaths dealing devices didn’t explode and today pepper the landscape, lying in wait for any that wander of the beaten path. As a direct consequence, tens of thousands of Laotians are amputees… and as many as 90% suffer from Phantom limb pains…ongoing painful sensations that seem to be coming from the part of the limb that is no longer there… 

Steven Sumner is the Mirror Man.

I’d had the enormous pleasure of joining Steve on his journey, and through his work learnt of a beautiful and inspiring line through it all. One man’s herculean effort to heal the psychological suffering that plagues so many war-torn communities and shattered victims of cluster bombs, through the use of mirror therapy to help heal excruciating phantom limb pain (suffered by as many as  90% of limb amputee).

What stays with me from this incredible assignment is Steves single-minded unwavering and selfless determination to help others.

Steve Sumner is a man that in my mind can, with all confidence, stand prouder on one leg than most of us can on two… It was an honour to spend time with him and learn of his inspirational life-changing work.

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