Russia: Jet Fighter (Merc)

Moscow:  In search of one of the FBI’s most wanted arms dealers, who would have thought I’d end up 10.000ft in the air doing barrel rolls in a rusting Russian Jetfighter!

Lots involved in this production but here’s a ‘highlight’

Sneaking onto an Ex-Soviet Airbase I hitch a ride in a rusty Russian Jet Flighter by pretending to be a plane spotter!!! Yep, it’s definitely one of the… best TV production blags I have ever, pulled off… No insurance, no safety net, zero permits, no fixer… just me and my cameraman Phil Coates….by the seat of ya pants, as they say. Lucky we never mentioned that to Discovery…they never knew!

Here’s a longer version that includes intro and outro

Below: Stylish sequence heading to meet my contact in the backstreets of Moscow…Although the pre-VO version, I included it here simply because I cut and directed the sequence.


Production Stills