Congo (Battle For Virunga)

Explorer Justin Hall National Geographic Explorer, Runningman congo Mia Mia warriors

National Geographic Channels Explorer Series with Correspondent Justin Hall

Virunga is in a place others have called the heart of darkness. A Jurassic landscape of dense jungles and active volcanoes… The National Park is home to innumerable species but most importantly it’s home to the last of our world’s mountain gorillas … Sadly, it’s also home to 30 or so armed militia groups who fight for control of the area’s gold, timber and diamonds.

Essentially, It’s a war zone where gorillas and those that defend them are literally in the crosshairs…

Here are a few DIgital Extras / behind the scenes footage:

Battle for Virunga:  Digital Extras

Q&A Nat Geo Justin talks about his assignment: Plus lots more videos & images… Continue reading “Congo (Battle For Virunga)”

Bear Necessity (IAR) Armenia

justin hall Bear Rescue IAR Armenia

Saving Bears in the backstreets, cities, mountains and wilds of Armenia (International Animal Rescue Effort)

One of the lucky Ones!Kept in various forms of captivity, often caged, chained, beaten and starved, Armenia’s bears aren’t much loved.  Once wild and born of this mountainous region bears hold a strange place in Armenian culture. Often viewed as sideshows in circus’s, kept as exotic pets, housed as novelties in gas stations or tormented in themed restaurants.

A key moment came as we freed two bedraggled, hairy honey-seeking fellows who had spent the last ten years in a flooded cage, dancing for their dinner at a riverside restaurant called ‘The Bears’!

Alan Knight OBE IAR BEar Rescue Armenia
Cutting Loose

What struck me as astounding and unthinkable was that still some peoples idea of fun is flinging chicken wings at these majestic beasts! It felt right to get them out of there and I am proud to have been involved”

Alan Knight IAR Saving BearsAlan Knight OBE, the founder of IAR, has an admirable legacy in defending species. He initiated and championed a ban on bear batting/dancing bears in India. Because of his efforts, thousands where saved, leading to India’s bears being protected by law.

Now he’s focused on doing the same in Armenia.

80 bears being held captive in Armenia video


As the name suggests International Animal Rescue is a Thunderbird like organization; Active around the global, they rally their forces to act, where action is needed.

Working under the radar as well as in collaboration with local governments, military and police agencies INTERNATIONAL ANIMAL RESCUE have set themselves the challenge of liberating Armenia’s bears.

You can folow the story and take an active role in helping here:

Slow Loris Rescue & Rehab: Java

justin Hall Explorer Runningman Slow Loris IAR rescue

An Endangered Species of Nocturnal primate feels the pressure of Internet Fame:

Another Promo designed to Inspire Nat Geo WIld to focus on the work of my friends at International Animal Rescue.

Feel inspired to’s how

Info From Site:

The slow loris in Indonesia is in serious danger of extinction and the greatest threat to its survival is the illegal trade in wildlife.

Its huge brown eyes and soft fur make this small nocturnal primate highly prized as a pet and the victim of an online craze created by videos on YouTube. Thousands of slow lorises are poached from the wild and illegally sold on the street or in animal markets. The slow lorises’ teeth are clipped off by the traders to make them easier to handle, resulting in the death of many of them from blood loss or infection before they are sold.

Working closely with universities and scientists, we are also carrying out research into successful rehabilitation and reintroduction programmes for slow lorises. A good number of lorises with their teeth intact have been released wearing radio collars and are being closely monitored by the team.

We also work closely with local authorities and the police to catch wildlife traffickers and dealers and bring them to court. Education of local communities and better law enforcement are vital if this endangered primate is to stand a chance of survival.

Orangutan Rescue: NAT GEO BORNEO

Orangutan Baby with Teddy Bear Explorer Justin Hall National Geographic Explorer, Runningman

A National Geographic Assignment in Support of International Animal Rescue:

A Yellow Square Hangs on My Wall!

I just returned from my first filming assignment for NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC! A solo mission, producing, directing and shooting in the wilds of Northern Sumatra and Indonesian Borneo; Filming Orang-utans, and the hero’s working to save them and their habitat… here’s the resulting promo…

Like most adventurous filmmaker types, its always been a dream to someday be a National Geographic kind-a-guy. Of all brands, it’s one of very few I’d proudly sign up to… Full Film / Production Still & Rushes below: Continue reading “Orangutan Rescue: NAT GEO BORNEO”