Royal Geographic Society (Ondaatje lecture)

justin Hall Explorer Speaks at RGS Runningman

For 35 years the Explorer weekend at the Royal Geographical Society has been an incubator and supporter of exploration.

I’ve been a Fellow of the Society for almost 20 years now and often been invited to contribute or speak on the expedition advisory panel.

Wonderfully, I was nominated for my earlier works with Amazonian tribes. Simply put, the RGS is an extraordinary organization that for the last 180 years has been a driving force of global exploration, nurturing intrepid spirit by supporting those brave, bold or foolish enough to risk their lives and push the boundaries in an effort to communicate a better understanding of the world around us. To be recognized as a part of this endeavour is, without doubt, my proudest achievement.

Across the year’s thousands of expeditions undertaken by young and Intrepid have taken shape, found support, and set off from what has often been described as the epicentre of global exploration… the Royal Geographical Society… Continue reading “Royal Geographic Society (Ondaatje lecture)”


justin hall Explorer interactive journeys

Interactive & Collaborative Expedition Film Making:

It’s fair to say that there’s been a few adventures along the way. Runningman was the start and a beautiful proof of concept but there are many more; From Tribal encounters in the Amazon through to tracking down cocaine barons in Bolivia with the DEA. From secret forays in Saudi Arabia, Sea Gypsies in… Continue reading “EXPEDITION FILM MAKING: ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES”