Adventure Series: Cutting Edge Technology applied in the context of investigative expeditions mapping the lesser-known parts of the world
Having pitched a fair few projects to the teams at BBC Natural History department and BBC Earth of Bristol we finally had a green light on an idea that took advantage of high tech tools and lateral thinking here’s the promo followed by one of my pitches that set things in motion.
NO DATA: Travels to the edge of the known world… and beyond!’’
In such a hi-tech world, it is easy to imagine that we know all there is to know… that every valley, mountain, jungle, ocean and desert have been mapped to the nearest millimetre… And yet for all our efforts and activities: supercomputers and scanning satellites, there are still areas of Earth, so remote, so isolated that we know nothing about them at all… They appear on maps as grey patches defined only by the words ‘NO DATA’
My original (Pitch 2011) of the idea os laid out in full below…
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