Background: Back In 2000, I led a team through the Amazon jungle and ancestral territories of seven tribal groups, pioneering one of the first interactive (coded) online expeditions.
Entitled RUNNINGMAN and made for the Discovery Channel the objectives where simple but inspiring: Explore the forces affecting remote tribal and indigenous peoples of the Amazon,
The key objective; to somehow harness the power of the web to communicate the stories we encountered and in this way empower the voices of marginalised tribal and forest peoples.
Ground Breaking Expedition: Back in 1999! pre-Google! pre-blogging, with the web in its infancy…. the idea of collaborative, interactive real-time change-making expeditions was let’s just say ‘out there!’
During the journey, 2.5 million people joined in online It was an endeavour that collaborated with multiple charities, NGOs and indigenous communities.
The expedition spent three months trekking through the jungles and met with seven different tribal communities, platforming their opinions as we subtly introduced the idea of digitally mapping the narrative, law and land rights claims of indigenous communities.
It was an extraordinary challenge, one recognized by the Royal Geographical Society, who nominated me a Fellow in 2002. The project initiated major debate and saw the return of 100,000 hectares of land to a tribe whose land rights had been appropriated by a gold mine.
21 years down the line and a fair few pitches later, I’m still here shouting from the rooftops… gathering info, new tools and tech, ready and willing to take what we have learnt along the way. Check out a few of the interactive projects here…
If you are looking to Engage, Inform & Empower your audience with new ways of thinking, new ways of interacting and learning, then I would love to help… give me a call.
If of interest: here’s a snapshot of the skill-sets I have gathered along the way
A few images:
for deeper details on the drive behind this project see here also:
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